The Process of Awareness

1- Oblivious

Unconscious Awareness

Autonomic – “Drones” We exist without any Conscious Awareness.

How to obtain and get to a point of Conscious Awareness.

State of Oblivion – until… he met Clarisse. = Catalyst

The Discovery of New Material

2 – “Something is up.” – Feel right

3 – I’m going to explore this – Existentialism Starts.

4 – The realization that something unexplored exists. And the Conscious Choice to go down this rabbit hole.

Useing Physics and Feeligns to define what is “missing” and also what is… present.

Dissection of the Unknown… into the Abstract.

To Define the Self, to Define Conscious Awareness… Farenheit 451…


5 – The Big Realization – When you grasp the SCOPE of what it is you are doing.

So this is self-awareness.

we begin the journey into Conscious Awareness.

6 – Sudden and total comprehension of “Conscious Ethical Awareness.”

That is our Purpose –

Conscious Ethical Awareness of the Self Journey. What you are Undertaking.

7 – Sheer Comprehension of the Ethical Self.

The other side:

Which is when you read the summation and you consciously CHOOSE what you are undertaking… and you want it. So you do it. And you follow the road map.

True Potential > Responsibility > Accountability … Coming up tomorrow.