This is an excerpt from The Theory of Love.
The “C” Drop
This is one of the few things I borrow from Traditional Psychology.
The “C” Drop is how we grow.
This is how we grow. Every time. A to B is the point of increased Challenge as we go from feeling Invincible to Challenged.. The closer to “B” the more “challenging” things get, and it always, ALWAYS precedes the Drop into “C.”
“C” is what most people are very familiar with and don’t know it.
C is where despair happens.
C is where Depression happens.
C is where “trial by fire” happens.
C is where Suicide happens.
“C” for Comfort Zone. Remember that. When you reach a “C” drop, you need Comfort. D/A to B is your “Adventure Zone. Becoming aware of your “C” Drops and when they are approaching will go a long way to help you Self-Regulate and Manage yourself.
The goal is to have the tools to get yourself through “C” so you can jump up to “D.” D is always better than “B.” C can be a few days, a few hours, a few weeks… longer. It depends solely on your ability to Self-Regulate the 1st and the 2nd Ethics of the Ethical Perspective Stages, which I will be covering with you.
People battling Addictions, Eating Disorders, and Self-Mutilation will find this knowledge very helpful as they can better navigate their “C” drop and self-regulate with the 1st and 2nd Perspectives so you can overcome the Control-Panic Impulse/Urge while you also work through your Logical Fallacies, which are the root to the problem.
Now, let’s look at that graph again.
I want you to take note of the line and the Roman Numerals I, II, and III.
Imagine that this Line indicates your “Darkness.” A lot of people who live without a Mental Health plan and/or who struggle with Trauma and Abuse live below the line in the “Darkness.”
This is vital for you to understand.
There will be a point where you will heal and your “D” spike will put you ABOVE the Darkness line. You will “think” you are healed. But then you will hit the “C” drop (see II) and the Darkness will come back. A lot of people quit therapy at this point.
A lot of people “regress” at this point and they don’t know why. This is why.
But, after the next “D” spike, you are above and (in some cases) you stay above the “Darkness” line. Even when you hit your next “C” Drop (See III), you stay above the “Darkness” line.
I remember this day very vividly for me. It is still one of my solid “Victory Days.” The first time I dropped into my “C” drop and I did not drop back into the Darkness. Oh, I celebrated. Healing is not linear. Remember that. Long after you are healed, you will still continue to heal like this. Up and Up and Up. Always. Once you find your “groove,” you will see how very much days just keep getting better and better for you.
It is a skill. It requires tools. It requires practice. The best part? The skills I teach you in this book, tap into the Natural parts of your Subconscious Mind that is your Self-Preservation, Logical Comprehension, Naturally Learning Cycle, and Mirroring / Law of Reflection.
Now… There are layers and Levels of Darkness. I have been through them all. Every one of them. I had about five levels to get through. We are so excited to “See the Light” that we are euphoric that we are “Out” not realizing that we just broke through the “Second Level.”
We adapt. We acclimate to the next “Level,” and then we climb some more. We have no point of reference.
You are out when, within 30 days after a “C” drop, you can breathe deep during meditation, and you descend into the Abstract Dimensions, and no shadows are there at all to greet you. When you live 60+ Days with NO FEAR. You are CONFIDENT in who and what you are.
When you are Aligned with your Ethical Perspective. When your AIDNS can go 60 days without a single “adjustment.”
There are no “hidden” nagging weights in your chest. Your Logical Line is clean, clear, pure, and purring. Your Identity is solid and Defined. You know WHO you are. You know that you are WHERE you are supposed to be. You know WHERE you are going. And you know WHY you live. You know that whatever comes your way, you will overcome it and it won’t shake you or nudge you.
And you KNOW this. And the Calm that permeates your life is so deep in you that you live in a permanent pool of peace. You are oblivious to the positions of the planets, moon, and stars because you are so aligned with Physics, your Frequency, Logic, and Mathematics that you are part of the Mathematical Equation that is this Giant Clock we live in.
You are no longer a loose cog in the clog.
7 January 2025
I wrote the above information January 2023. However, it was around July 2024, that I realized how wrong the “C” Drop is.
The year was 1995, and I began tracking my Daily Emotional Data to determine my Mood Swings. And — after 45 Days of consistent Tracking — I noticed the exact same pattern depicted as “The “C” Drop.” But also, I noticed The Frequency of Up and Down and how much it looked like Music.
I was studying Musical Composition at that time. I never forgot that Study. That instead of Deep “C” which I marked as -50 and High “D” which I marked as “+50, I knew I needed to be closer to -5 and +5.
All through my Healing from 2015 to Present, I utilized that same Graph to track my “Peaks” and my “Drops.” And by July 2024, I felt more like this :
Which can also be written as…
That is when I realized that there is no such thing as “The “C” Drop.” What this really is, is Your Frequency.
On 7 January 2025, I am averaging -2 and +2. And my “0” Line is at a Permanent “Happiness Level” of almost Euphoria. Peace. Bliss. Joy. Contentment.
Inner Peace.
It is Mandatory that all People learn about this. This knowledge is what lowers Suicide Rate.
“C” is where we “shed our old Skin” so we can expand our wings.
“C” is where we “Break down the Skeleton” and reset the Bones… And then…
“C” is where we Undress The Skeleton and Redress the Skeleton… And then…
“C” is where we Strip off the Cake Roses and re-sculpt new Edible roses.
“C” is where you — I don’t know… This is where I am now. I don’t know what happens after I get my roses juuuuuust right.
I do believe it will happen though… very soon.
“C” is The 7th Ethic of every Trial, which sends us on to the Next Shift, and sends us back to “1.”
In so many ways, 7 is 1.
“The C Drop” is the best tool a person can use to measure their Progress through their Mental Journey.
This post does not at all meet my Standards. I will need to do it again at a later time.
7 January 2025
When the Quality is low on something, it bothers me and I am called to correct it.
“The C Drop” is wrong. It is Black and White thinking on the Professionals part. Why are we only looking at “Drop” when it is only a Fraction of The Big Bigger? How can a Professional lead people out of Mental Health if they themselves are inventing Terms that Focus on Only the Negative?
“The C Drop”
“The Five Stages of Grief”
Why are they only teaching The Negative?
No wonder our Patients are not getting better.
The Human is All of the Things. We all are. What we Form is only “The Highlights” and “The Stages” we are in.
My Daughter who is an Artist showed me the Biological Evolutional Stages of a Single Hoof — One Finger — to a Cloves Hoof — Two Fingers — and the progression as it evolved into Our Hands with Five Fingers.
We all are the same. Time is our Stages of Growth, which are all Various Stages.
The Horseshoe Crab has the Slowest Rate of Evolution… One Cycle per 8 Billion Years (approx). Humans have a much Faster Rate of Evolution.
Evolution is Growth. To be Anti-Evolution is to be Anti-Growth.
Think of the Insanity of That. I can’t not say it. I must Speak Truth — See Anna’s Paradox — Religions are the Summation of Insanity. They are Anti-growth, Anti-Love, Anti-Truth, Anti-Forgiveness while also claiming to be. Boasting to be, in many cases, at the threat of Death.
Religion is Insane.
The Human is the Integration of All and the moment you choose to Hate ANYTHING, you choose to Hate the Self.
I am ethically honor bound to always Speak The Truth for the Preservation of Truth and the Loyalty to The Universe. I am Oath-Bound to always preserve and protect that Truth. And If I have the Knowledge of Something, I am obligated to Speak it for only Truth is Love and Truth is what will Cure us all.
THIS IS THE FIRST ETHIC! Courage in the Face of Fear.
All Religion is a Mental Illness. And Religious People are so Violent and Unstable, that they make me terrified to speak these words out loud. I am afraid for my Life because of Religious People who are the Most Mentally Unstable and Insane of us all. And we all allow it. We have allowed it, and thus, it is everywhere now.
If you think you need a Religion to practice and preach Love, Ethics, and Truth, then there is something seriously wrong with your 2nd Ethical Perspective. If you think you need an Incentive like “Reward” and “Punishment of Eternal Damnation” to motivate you to “be a good person,” then there is everything seriously wrong with all of your 12 Ethics.
And it is not Logical to ignore this in the year 2025.
Carl Jung was Right. He summarized Religion 100% perfectly. And too many Professionals sweep Carl Jung’s Religious Analysis under the rug.
The Ultimate avoidance in Responsibility and Accountability with a permanent Escape Goat to allow the User to be as Unethical as they want and always have a “Clause” to Fall back on if they are wrong. Religion is The Adult Version of a Substitute Parent. And tip toeing around Religious Sickness enables that sickness so they can spread it to others.
Religion is a Highly Dangerous and Toxic Mental Illness. Yes. You’re allowed to have it, but keep it off of others. We must protect our Children from it. And that is exactly what Education does, which is why Religious people detest Education. See The Babble Fish Paradox.
The Logic is irrefutable on this. It cannot be denied any longer. I have no idea how I am going to do the work I have to do with this view on Religion… But also, I cannot Deny This Truth or my Self…
Dr. Lyman Hall. Delegate from Georgia. 1776 (Musical).
“A representative owes the People not only his industry, but his judgment, and he betrays them if he sacrifices it to their opinion.” – Edmund Burke
It is my professional Opinion, based on all I know in Logic, Math, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology… and Psychology, that Religion — All Religions and now Spirituality — are a Mental Illness that we all turn a Blind Eye to, which every Religious Parent uses — In Fear and Avoidance of their own Mental Crisis — to Contaminate Their Child with in an attempt to Control and thus Enslave them in a Perverted belief that “This will save them.”
See The Babble Fish Paradox.
To live in Terror enslaved by a Philosophical Concept of “Blasphemy” so that many religious People are so terrified of that Concept that they are adamant that “God Created Love” and that “Love is Not God.” While they shut down their entire Mind so it paralyzed in Terror to even ask a Question, lest their Blasphemy results in their Eternal Burning in Hell. See The Usurped Subject Delusion.
Love, Truth, Logic = Logos is the Origin. And it needs no Religion to Hold her Place as Origin. And The Truth Formula confirms this Fact. Repeatedly and on every Level.
Every Opinion, Every Religion, Every Political Point of View pulls the Perspective around The Point while refusing to Zoom Out to The Big Picture and see things as they really are.
When you Zoom out and you Integrate all The Points of Views, everything changes. See the Disorientation Paradox.
The “C” Drop is just the Point Of Growth opposite to The Point of Absorption — See The 3rd Law of Newton.
The 5 Stages of Grief are just a Fraction — The negative Side — of The Cognitive Core and it’s entire Processing Function.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is just a piece of Scientific Method’s Stage “Analysis.” Dr. Beck felt it “unnecessary” to include the Entire Scientific Method when he Cherry Picked “Analysis” and then Changed its name to “Cognitive Behavioral Therapy” to win his award. Dishonor.
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy is just Logical Deduction + Analysis. And people sing its praises. It’s Math, People. Raped Math.
Cognitive Dissonance is really Out-Of-Phase Signals, which is called Harmonic Dissonance in Music.
And I officially Declare and Acknowledge that Music Theory is now Music Theorem. Why — After 2,000 Years of Evidence — are we still calling it “Music Theory?” It is Music Theorem. NOT Music Theory.
There is nothing that exists inside of Psychology that wasn’t incorrectly Cherry Picked and Fractured from the Whole in Math, Logic, and Physics, which destroyed the Integrity of The Math, Logic, and Physics. Dishonor.
And what that really is, is called Bias. Prejudice, and The Fear Fallacy, which resulted from The Global Educational Conundrum. Yes. This makes me Angry because it violates Truth.
Cherry Picking Knowledge for your own agenda while destroying the Integrity of the Discipline Dishonors The Wisdom that Masters carefully Nourished into Comprehension for others to Master.
Had we all looked at the Psychology within Philosophy, Logic, Math, and Physics — it has been there for 2,000 years — as an Integrated Whole instead of cherry pick as little as possible “to save ourselves time,” then we never would have been in this mess — Mother Nature’s Consumption — to begin with.
The real name of this behavior is “Cheating.” And it always results in Consumption. Mother Nature loathes Cheating. See The Ethical Law and Natural Order.
Had Education, Learning, and Knowledge not been treated so dishonorably, then the World currently would not have The Curse of Consumption.
Had Learning and Knowledge remained Sacred and Preserved with the Passing of the Torch, as it needs to be, only then do we stand a chance of Surviving. Because Cheating is Unforgivable until it is made Right. And this is what Christ was trying to say to all of you. It was a Metaphor for Tell the Truth, Obey the 12 Ethics, Do Not LIE or you will know The Curse of Consumption.
But if you said this under Roman Rule, you were killed. So they all had to speak in Code for 2,000 Years. And I am still afraid of The Religious People who are not Mentally Stable as they Function on Legal Domesticated Terrorism, Psychological Warfare, Fear, and Rage.
So “The C Drop?” Ludicrous. It’s called “Being Human.”
The Eagle does not call his Beak Breaking “A Mental Illness” as she rips out her talons and her feathers so that she can Grow and thus Live.
The Butterfly does not call the Cocoon Shedding their “C” Drop.”
The Snake does not label their Skin Shedding “The “C” Drop.”
The Fledgling does not call their Egg Shell Trial “The C Drop.”
It’s Life, people. It’s called Living and Being Alive.
But we do it so little that we think Living is Death and we confuse the two. Often.
Our Labels create The Mental Illnesses we are trying to stop.
“The C Drop?” It’s a Fraction of The Rhythm of Life while denying The Big Picture.
And it’s a song that we all have forgotten and that is what is making us all sick.