The Trade-And-Barter Gift Of Vulnerability “Peace Offering”

The Stages of Intimacy align also with The Circle of Trust and the Stages of Etiquette and Diplomacy… and The 12 Ethics and Academic Disciplines.

1 – Introductions –> Tell them who you are.

2 – “I come in peace. I mean no harm. I gift you with my Vulnerability and my Story. Please find the Common Denominators we share that will bridge the gap between us and find our relatability so that we may Connect in Honest, Genuine Love and Logic, for this is our Truth and Story.”

3 – Tell Your Story. Keep it simple. Keep it brief. Do not do Market Research on their “key points.” This will result in Fake Connection and a False Match.

Past Story is Dream + Conflict +> How You Overcame those Obstacles = My Story

Present Story is Dream + Conflict +> I am inviting you to work together with me to overcome our Obstacles together = Our Story

Focus on The Common Denominators of Humanity where you line up on Genuine Matching. Let them decide if you resonate with them in Story.  Market Research only on your Self so YOU know YOUR Key Points, and state them so others can find YOU. Done right, the people who know themselves will find you and won’t HAVE to “do Market Research” to find you. You’ll have done it FOR them.

4 – Be Honest –> “I am asking for a Connection to build Dreams together so we both reach our Agenda.” Here is my Dream and Mission. Here is my Ethic. Here is my Boundary. I wish to share with you all of my Cards on The Table, which Pieces of this Puzzle I have, which I am missing, which ones I am Honorbound to Uphold. Which ones I am flexible on.

5 – Invite them to Respond and respect their Right to Reject. Wait for a Response.





1 – Introductions –> Tell them who you are.

I am Anna Imagination, Ashavana-Magi. I was raised in The Ancient Greek Educational System and am an Outsider to The System. 

2 – “I come in peace. I mean no harm. I gift you with my Vulnerability and my Story. Please find the Common Denominators we share that will bridge the gap between us and find our relatability so that we may Connect in Honest, Genuine Love and Logic, for this is our Truth and Story.”

I come in Peace. I mean no harm. I gift you with my Vulnerability and Story. Please listen to the Logic of my Story and stay to the end before you assess my Honor. I seek only those who are Matched to my Dreams, my Mission, and my Passion for Learning, Logic, and Love. I ask that you look for the Relatability in my Story to yours.

3 – Tell Your Story. Keep it simple. Keep it brief. Do not do Market Research on their “key points.” This will result in Fake Connection and a False Match.

Past Story is Dream + Conflict +> How You Overcame those Obstacles = My Story

Present Story is Dream + Conflict +> I am inviting you to work together with me to overcome our Obstacles together = Our Story

Focus on The Common Denominators of Humanity where you line up on Genuine Matching. Let them decide if you resonate with them in Story.  Market Research only on your Self so YOU know YOUR Key Points, and state them so others can find YOU. Done right, the people who know themselves will find you and won’t HAVE to “do Market Research” to find you. You’ll have done it FOR them.

I wanted to have the wisdom to end the Suffering of the world. I saw things too young that inspired me to learn everything. I achieved the Impossible over and over again until most people could not relate to me. I became a Black Sheep so young, that I thought it was my Identity. I was wrong. But it taught me to how to think differently, which was very healthy for me. 

I achieved the Wisdom and Answers I seek and I built a plan. In 2023, I used Physics, Logic, and Science to solve the Universe and did. And I used those Answers to fix my mind. But I learned that I couldn’t speak like others to enter into their System. 

I spent two years doing nothing but Mastering the 5 Languages of the Subconscious Mind, while also learning how to stay Loyal to my Self and The Truth. I built The Radical Global Healing Plan, which has earned me the respect and admiration of Governments, Psychologists, and World Leaders and I’ve built an Idea and a Dream that I am now giving to the world.

4 – Be Honest –> “I am asking for a Connection to build Dreams together so we both reach our Agenda.” Here is my Dream and Mission. Here is my Ethic. Here is my Boundary. I wish to share with you all of my Cards on The Table, which Pieces of this Puzzle I have, which I am missing, which ones I am Honorbound to Uphold. Which ones I am flexible on.

I’ve taken this as far as I can on my own. I cannot go any further alone. I am seeking Connections and am collecting my People who share the same Dream and Passion. I am bound to live to the 12 Ethics. I cannot be Inauthentic. I cannot be dishonest. I cannot violate Truth, Freedom, or Love. I can do no harm. I need Influencers, Cultivators, and Passionate Action Takers who are ready to jump into this Adventure with me. People who will join my Crew as we build this REALLY WEIRD thing that Mother Nature had me make. 

In short, “I built a cake,” and she wants all of us to Decorate it now. And I need help delivering this “Cake” to the world so they all can decorate it.

5 – Invite them to Respond and respect their Right to Reject. Wait for a Response.

I know what my Weaknesses are. I know what my Strengths are. I need people who have Strengths where I am weak, and I can lend my Strengths in return. My Weaknesses are Connecting with People, Communicating with People who are not like me, Being Understood by Non-Scientists, Raising Funding, Moving through Networks effectively and with the right people. 

My Strengths are knowing Truth from Lie. Recognizing a persons Truth. Ideas, Problem Solving Solutions, Flexibility, Knowing how to Dance and work together as a Team. Psychology, Physics, Logic, 

Rough Draft

I am Anna Imagination, Ashavana-Magi. I was raised in The Ancient Greek Educational System and am an Outsider to The System. 

I come in Peace. I mean no harm. I gift you with my Vulnerability and Story. Please listen to the Logic of my Story and stay to the end before you assess my Honor. I seek only those who are Matched to my Dreams, my Mission, and my Passion for Learning, Logic, and Love. I ask that you look for the Relatability in my Story to yours.

I wanted to have the wisdom to end the Suffering of the world. I saw things too young that inspired me to learn everything. I achieved the Impossible over and over again until most people could not relate to me. I became a Black Sheep so young, that I thought it was my Identity. I was wrong. But it taught me to how to think differently, which was very healthy for me. 

I achieved the Wisdom and Answers I seek and I built a plan. In 2023, I used Physics, Logic, and Science to solve the Universe and did. And I used those Answers to fix my mind. But I learned that I couldn’t speak like others to enter into their System. 

I spent two years doing nothing but Mastering the 5 Languages of the Subconscious Mind, while also learning how to stay Loyal to my Self and The Truth. I built The Radical Global Healing Plan, which has earned me the respect and admiration of Governments, Psychologists, and World Leaders and I’ve built an Idea and a Dream that I am now giving to the world.

I’ve taken this as far as I can on my own. I cannot go any further alone. I am seeking Connections and am collecting my People who share the same Dream and Passion. I am bound to live to the 12 Ethics. I cannot be Inauthentic. I cannot be dishonest. I cannot violate Truth, Freedom, or Love. I can do no harm. I need Influencers, Cultivators, and Passionate Action Takers who are ready to jump into this Adventure with me. People who will join my Crew as we build this REALLY WEIRD thing that Mother Nature had me make. 

In short, “I built a cake,” and she wants all of us to Decorate it now. And I need help delivering this “Cake” to the world so they all can decorate it.

I know what my Weaknesses are. I know what my Strengths are. I need people who have Strengths where I am weak, and I can lend my Strengths in return. My Weaknesses are Connecting with People, Communicating with People who are not like me, Being Understood by Non-Scientists, Raising Funding, Moving through Networks effectively and with the right people. 

My Strengths are knowing Truth from Lie. Recognizing a persons Truth. Ideas, Problem Solving Solutions, Flexibility, Knowing how to Dance and work together as a Team. Psychology, Physics, Logic, 

Final Draft

I am The Ashavana Anna Imagination. I was raised in The Ancient Greek Educational System and am an Outsider to The System. 

I come in Peace. I mean no harm. I gift you with my Vulnerability and Story. Please listen to the Logic of my Story and stay to the end before you assess my Honor. I seek only those who are Matched to my Dreams, my Mission, and my Passion for Learning, Logic, and Love. I ask that you look for the Relatability in my Story to yours.

An Ashavana is a Servant and Knight of Truth, which is Love, Logic, and Freedom.

I wanted to have the wisdom to end the Suffering of the world. I saw things too young that inspired me to learn everything. I achieved the Impossible over and over again until most people could not relate to me. I became a Black Sheep so young, that I thought it was my Identity. I was wrong. But it taught me to how to think differently, which was very healthy for me. 

I achieved the Wisdom and Answers I seek and I built a plan. In 2023, I used Physics, Logic, and Science to solve the Universe and did. And I used those Answers to fix my mind. But I learned that I couldn’t speak like others to enter into their System. 

I spent two years doing nothing but Mastering the 5 Languages of the Subconscious Mind, while also learning how to stay Loyal to my Self and The Truth. I built The Radical Global Healing Plan, which has earned me the respect and admiration of Governments, Psychologists, and World Leaders and I’ve built an Idea and a Dream that I am now giving to the world.

I’ve taken this as far as I can on my own. I cannot go any further alone. I am seeking Connections and am collecting my People who share the same Dream and Passion. I am bound to live to the 12 Ethics. I cannot be Inauthentic. I cannot be dishonest. I cannot violate Truth, Freedom, or Love. I can do no harm. I need Influencers, Cultivators, and Passionate Action Takers who are ready to jump into this Adventure with me. People who will join my Crew as we build this REALLY WEIRD thing that Mother Nature had me make. 

In short, “I built a cake,” and she wants all of us to Decorate it now. And I need help delivering this “Cake” to the world so they all can decorate it.

I know what my Weaknesses are. I know what my Strengths are. I need people who have Strengths where I am weak, and I can lend my Strengths in return. My Weaknesses are Connecting with People, Communicating with People who are not like me, Being Understood by Non-Scientists, Raising Funding, Moving through Networks effectively and with the right people. 

My Strengths are knowing Truth from Lie. Recognizing a persons Truth. Ideas, Problem Solving Solutions, Flexibility, Knowing how to Dance and work together as a Team. Psychology, Physics, Logic…


I’m reading this through and it is hiding.

I have The Red Pill and the Holy Grail. This world is not at all what we were told it is, and the Lies we were told are making us all sick.