The Truth About Victimization, Self-Pity, And First Love

Victimizations is a Red Herring Word that Invalidates the Pain of the Sufferer (The Victim), Violates The Victims Truth, and HiJacks The RAS from the Actual Focal Point for Resolution.

“Victimization” is a Contaminated Word that is hiding The True Name of The Victim’s Pain.


“Victimization” Accusation amplifies the “Invisible” Pain and further plunges the Victim deeper into Despair.

Depression, Suicidal Ideation, Severe Nourishment Deprivation… These are the True Names beneath “Victimization.” But these are the people who are in intuition Stage #1 and Intuition Stage #2 and they are Suffering from The Global Education Conundrum.

There is a point where you suffer so greatly, that you just lick your wounds and you cry out, “Please… Help me… save me… I am so lost, I can’t even get out of my own Mind and it hurts so much in here.” But not only can you not even speak those words, you’re terrified of them. And you don’t even know them.

And then, they reach the point where you Self-Soothe publicly… and those you love accuse you of “Pity Parties” and “Self-Pity.”

These are people who spent their entire lives living as a “Nothing.” Invisible and Unseen. And then, they are naughty — and for 5 Minutes — they are Seen. Most are beaten, raped, abused in that 5 Minutes. But they are Seen.

These are the People who go on to Abuse and Harm others — desperate for anything longer than 5 Minutes. And when they finally do have the Attention of others, just long enough to say, “Look at me! I’M HERE! I’M SUFFERING! I’M DYING!” — The Sufferer is attacked “You’re not the Victim. Stop with your Self-Pity.”

In that breath of a moment, they lost their chance to be Seen and thus Heard.

Now… what is really going on Biologically behind this is something even more Dire. They Intuitively know they need Connection to be Nourished — I am referring to Primal First Love. Nourishment Love from Mother at birth — and they have never known this Love.

First Love is precious and is irreplaceable. It is “The Mother’s Milk” of The Soul. It is The Life Love.

First Love is a unique kind of Nourishment. It is the Nourishment our Soul gets that sustains us long enough to Learn how to be Independent.

No other Love does this. When The First Love is not given to us, or we or our Mother’s do not know how to connect, First Love cannot be Delivered to the Child.

The problem is never The Child. The problem is not that The Mother does not Love the Child. The Problem is that the Mother does not know How To Connect to The Child to DELIVER First Love to the Child.

Power Economics covers this.

The Child feels “Unloved.” And the Mother despairs. “I do love my child.”

But the Right Question that needs to be asked is Why does the Child not feel Love?

The Child learns how to Connect from the Mother.

And if the Mother does not know how to Connect to Deliver First Love, then the Child will remain Malnourished from not Receiving First Love.

And the Child grows up also not knowing how to Connect.

When First Love is received, Nourishment passes on the Child’s ability to Love themselves and also to Supercharge their Growth Forward. It’s very much like a “Lighting The Beacon.”

  1. Mother bears Child.
  2. Mother is Dettached and doesn’t Connect to Child.
  3. First Love is never Delivered.
  4. Child never feels Love.
  5. The Mother never “Lights The Beacon” inside The Child.

This is VERY Common in First Born Children.

Desperate to be “Good Parents,” New Parents try too hard. They Over Parent and fail to never just Love The Child and Connect. Too few people know how to Connect.

Power Economics.

The Child grows up having no idea why they always feel Unloved.

Another angle I have seen with this is The Adult is greatly Loved, but is unable to Feel the Love. It is vital that the Adult ask the Right Question, “I am Loved, so why am I not able to feel Love?”

This is because Internal Love is not present and being felt. It is not possible to Receive Love if you do not Connect with your own Internal Self Love.

This is where we hear the False Statement “No one can love you if you don’t love yourself.”

Yes. Yes, people can love you if you do not love yourself. But will you feel it?

It is not possible to Feel that Love or Access it. The Correct Statement is, “It is not possible to Receive the Love that is Given to you if you do not Connect with your own Internal Self Love and also learn to Connect to others.

First Love helps us find our own Internal Love within ourselves. First Love awakens Internal Love so we know where to operate our System from.

Without First Love, we must be taught how to find and awaken that Internal Love on our own.


Self-Pity is where you Find First love within yourself. Self-Pity is what awakens Internal Love and starts your System for you.

You must feel Sorry for yourself, and then hold yourself and Cry for You. And I do mean, as deeply as you can. But do this in private. It isn’t for anyone else. This is for you.

Self-Pity is First Love.