I’m in between Projects at the Moment. My research is closing up every loose end and Chapters are wrapping up. I see a very clear divide between Universe “A” and Universe “B.”
My Business is falling in alignment.
I’m in the process of Training my Psychology Team and Cultivators. We have our Cultivator Relief Program planned out. And our Government & World Leader Consultation-Nourishment Team is drafted.
More and more, I’m feeling the weight of my burden lift as I shift my Mission onto the Shoulders of others who can help carry this with me. The Order and Logic of my Task has cleared and is now running smoothly.
The Rat’s Nest of “Red Yarn” is finally removed from my Mind, and I can think clearer than ever before.
We are to Lay our Stepping Stones, Choose our Stepping Stones, Find our Stepping Stones, and — in the hardest of Challenges — Build out Stepping Stones.
This is what an Educational System is for. To train people all about Managing their Stepping Stones through Life.
The Stepping Stones are what makes life Easy. Wisdom is simply the Ease of Comprehension dependent on Clarity.
Today, I built many Stones and laid them down. I am preparing to build many more. I am now in the place where I must build the Stones I require. I watch other people in my position and they are sweating, bleeding, and breaking under the Strain of Their Work Load while mine gets easier and lighter. The more Work I take on, the less Work I have. Because I’m passing the Torch on to Others.
Purpose was Mandatory in my Services. I could not — Would not — permit the Building of my Services and Training that were not related and relevant to my Purpose. My Mission is my Work. My Mission is my Business. To Restore this Profession to the World…
I can see now how much Mission relates to Job/Career/Money… The Mission is what Carries the Wealth. Without the Mission, all other Work violates the Mission or Threatens it, and I felt it. I went into a type of “Self-Preservation Mode” where my Mission is part of Me. And it is.
I feel like I’m looking down this vast tunnel. It’s a Clear Day, and I can see on forever. It’s so clear.
I am ready to start receiving People. I am finally ready to be Seen.