What Is Philosophy

Being A Philosopher comes with a huge Bane to our Existence. Explaining what we do to Non-Philosophers.

This — in itself — is a kind of personal Hell every Philosopher suffers through. As I heard and read what others thought we do, I cringed. Not one — not even most Philosophers — had any clue what we do.

We do not “Think.” To say “A Philosopher Thinks, is to say “A Mathematician Counts.”

It’s insulting.

An Author creates Story. They do not “Write.”

The Problem is, The Subject of Discipline is missing from everyone’s Knowledge, which is why no one knows what it is the Philosopher actually does.

The Subject — my dear people — is Story.

Music Tells the Story through Physics and Sound.

Dancers Master the Movement, Rhythm, and Frequency of Story.

Painters Master the Science of Perspective in Story.

Theater People Master the Construction, Mapping, and Planning of The Story.

Writers Create The Story. Usually in Chapters and in very Small Pieces — One at a Time.

Linguistics Master the Science of How Story is Constructed via Word. It’s Smallest Particle beneath The Quantum Realm (I’m waiting for CERN to figure this out… and they will very soon, I believe).

Logicians Master the Science of The Order and Sequence of Story and the Origin, Dependents, Independents, Cause and Effects, and the Hierarchy of The Story.

Mathematicians Master the Simplification and Precision of The Story and the Measuring of The Story. They Assess the “Temperature” of the Story and Measure the Quality of the Story. The Master and Measure the Frequency of The Story.

Physicists Dissect the Laws of the Story.

Chemists Analyze How all the Pieces of the Story interact with each other.

Biologists Master the Integration of the Entire Song and Progression of the Story.

Cultivators Master the Passing On of The Story and The Preservation of The Story.

Philosophers Study ALL of the Story — The Song — as a Whole. The Philosopher is the Director and Executive Producer of The Story.

That is what a Philosopher does. So… “Thinking?” Really? That’s insulting. No. We do not “Think.” We Master the Science and Discipline of all The Sciences, Arts, Communications, and Disciplines so we can analyze the Overall Movement of The Song.

To remove The Philosopher, is to remove the Director from the Movie.

To remove The Philosopher, is to remove the Conductor from the Concert Hall.

To remove The Philosopher, is to remove the Executive Producer from the Event.

To remove The Philosopher, is to remove the CEO from the Corporation.


The majority of people who go into Philosophy are the People who “figured something out” or they had a “pull” or “The Call” toward “Solving a Riddle.” They “noticed something” that they became –quite literally — obsessed with. And they just have to “figure it out.”

They are right. All of Philosophy is The Learning Journey of The Discovered Self. It is The DaVinci Code. It is The pursuit for The Holy Grail. It is the Self-Wisdom Journey.

And each Discipline leads to Philosophy. All Roads lead to Philosophy. Anyone who begins a Discipline is “in danger” of Activating “The Quest.” And once “The Quest” is activated, it consumes you.

The thing is… You have “The Curse of The Ashavana” that takes you over. The moment you begin pursuing “The Holy Grail,” your Communication is Compromised. You are incapable of Articulation.

And The Curse is only Lifted when you Find The Grail.

So what does a Philosopher do for a Society?

After “The Grail” is obtained, you oversee the Nourishment of Global Society. That is what we do. We become “The Directors” or “The Conductors” to ensure the Nourished Operations of The People.

The Roman Empire was a Dictator who desired “The Seat” of Societal Conductor without any of the Knowledge, Work, Effort, or Understanding of The Seat. They only wanted the Glory and Wealth without any of the Knowledge or Responsibility.

This is what The Counsel of Nicaea was really about. How they would set up their World Government to replace Alexandria so they could Control The People while keeping them disabled. That is why they destroyed Athens. To take out the Philosophy Schools there.

That is why they killed Socrates and Christ. If you look closely at the Trial of Jesus, it was only after he said “Men is to rule on the Right Hand of God” that his execution was ordered.

“Men is to rule on the Right Hand of God” is reference to — an actually piece of — The Prophecy that the Ashavana were well aware of. It was a piece of Rome’s True Plan.

Christ revealed that he knew what Rome was really doing. They called his statement “Blasphemy.”

Let me ask you this.

How is “Men is to rule on the Right Hand of God” Blasphemous? Unless Men believed they WERE God?

There is Philosophy, as The Whole, and then there is The Politics and the Usurping and The Downfall of Philosophy.

Philosopher is True Government. But we don’t Govern. Only Usurpers and Fascists Govern. And in Philosophy, we learn this. Philosophers sit at the Bottom of Society — which is why our Amphitheaters were designed with the Stage at the Bottom. True Power is Knowledge. Philosophy is The Nourishment of a Society. No Voting System required. All you need is a Communication System, a Regulator, and The Knowledge.

The Agenda is to Nourish and Empower the People into Independence and Self-Governance so they don’t need a Government.

We are the Masters of Human Propagation, Story, and The Science of All and Everything. And our Expertise is the Discipline and Training of every tool within The All of Everything, which we will need to Nourish the Whole of Society.

And this is what we truly lost 2,000 Years ago.