Where Life Is The Story, This is The Life Moral

“The Important thing is this : To be able, at any moment, to sacrifice what we are for what we could become.” – Charles DuBois

You have to steer your ship through fear. No matter how afraid you are, you must steer your ship through Fear. For the Ship still needs its Captain especially and Most of all when the Storm wages.

You have to Stay True to the Ethics. For it is in our lowest moments, when we have lost everything, that — only then — do we know who we are.  It is at our lowest points that we are defined. Are you someone who chooses to be Ethical no matter what? Or do you sell out?

But the Real Lesson of Life is learning how to Integrate Both of these skills. The Skill of Captaining your Ship through Fear and the Storm while staying True to the Ethics, and never selling out.

And these two Lessons are only known and learned at the absolutely Bottom, where you have Nothing, long after you have lost everything, when your Faith is put to the Test. Faith that you can steer that Ship through Fear. And Faith that you Can make it through while still retaining your Ethics.

This is Dignity.

This is The Self-Wisdom Journey within The Learning Journey of The Discovered Self.


Ask yourself, when the Journey is over, and you have lived to tell the tale, how do you want to tell this part of the Story?

I think often of the Captain of the Titanic. He betrayed her in the end. A Captain truly is Married to The Ship. Don’t ever betray her in the End. Not ever. She’s just as scared as you.


I had one of these Answers when I was 15. It took me the 40 years of suffering to figure out them both and then to integrate them. And it was SO WORTH IT!! LOL

You know… every time I suffered, I didn’t look for the solution to the problem. That’s easy. I was looking for the Moral of the Story. Every night for the last three months, as my life has gotten harder and harder, I kept looking… Sometimes, I even “turned up the dial” of my suffering on purpose, just so I could find this. And just now, finally, I did. And Suddenly, every Obstacle I thought I had is just… gone.

It’s the Resolve. It’s our Conviction. It’s Believing in the Self that you CAN do it.

It’s the difference between Begging God to save you. And knowing… he can… but you don’t need him to. Cause YOU know you’ve GOT this.

AND THAT is the DIFFERENCE. THAT is the lesson.

It’s just like when we tell our Parents. “Let me try. I want to do it on my own.” Because we want to see if we CAN.

This is where so many people say, “I know he is my Father.” They say those words, but what I hear is a defense. As if they are needing to remind themselves, “Don’t Doubt!” As if a Question or “Perceived Disobedience” will revoke the Love they believe they have found.

True Security and Faith is Knowing that you can Learn, Question, Doubt, Change, Error,  and still come back and be loved in the end.

But the topics are not related. Not at all. He is your Origin — Your Father. That’s not in question. It’s about Independence. It’s KNOWING “he’s got your back” and also knowing YOU have got your back too.

Finding Independence never compromises the Love of a Father.

And that is where I see so many people getting this wrong. They feel “If I don’t NEED my Father, then I don’t love him… or he wont’ love me.” Their love with God is Transactional. But that is NOT love.

And that is not at all what he wants for any of us. That’s not why he GAVE us the Skills he gave us. He gave us the Skills to BE Independent of him.


It took a lot of understanding Parenting.
It’s the same relationship we have with our Children. We are made in his image, after all. This means we are carbon copies of the Origin. And I do mean that in ever way. — According to the Science, we are a Stronger, more Evolved Version of the Origin… which is why we must Honor and Respect our Origins, because we are stronger. Which is why we must Preserve the Origin always. — Do we want our Children to need us? Or do we want our Children to stand on their own KNOWING we will love them anyway?


This Lesson — Psychologically — Is actually Co-Dependency. Codependence is the Fear that “Not Needing someone means they don’t love us.” And that is how too many people use God. As a Codependent relationship. And they take that mindset, and project it into all areas of their lives.

It’s unconditional Love. God Loves us Unconditionally.
And that is what too many people DON’T believe. And that is the problem. They don’t believe in Unconditional Love. They don’t even know what Love is.

My problem — after all this time — was never with God or the Religion. It was about the Mental Illness people wrapped up in it. And I saw the Mental Illness eating them away… And I mistook their Sickness as God. I was wrong.



This right here is the moral of this story. Faith in God is Faith that he will love us no matter what. It is NOT “faith that he will save you.” It is. Faith in Love. “Save” is not “Love.” And THAT is the problem. People think it is. Faith in God is actually Faith in Unconditional Love. And believe you me, I have learned so much about Faith in Unconditional Love these past two years. 

Love is birthed from Nothing, and it truly does never end. Love is The Phoenix. Even if you don’t have Faith, it is there. But your Faith is what connects you to it. Not because it left you. But because you left it. But it doesn’t judge you either. It will be there. Waiting for you when you come back to it.


And our Independence does not at all Threaten God, anymore than our own Children’s Independence Threatens ours.

To Know God is to Know Love. The Lesson is Discovering and Learning what Love is.

**Closes the Book, “Volume #1” Entitled “What Does It All Mean And What Is It All For Anyway?”**


I sit back with my morning tea. I reflect on this morning. I had been laying in bed, feeling the Fear come over me. “No.” I said to it. “This is my Mind, and I’m in Command here.”

I steer this Ship. No one else.  And I evicted Fear. That is when I felt it fall back. And then I understood. “You must Steer through the Fear.”


Your Ship is your Mind.

Plato called it “Your Ship of State.” I didn’t understand why until now. The Ship of your State of Mind.” Either you Captain it, or Fear will.  And then it’s not yours anymore.

They’ve used God to replace the “I” in “Self.”

There is a Mental Illness in Religion. And I finally found the way to remove it. Carl Jung was right… and Carl Jung was wrong. The Religion is not The Illness. But there is a Mental Illness in Religion… And that Illness is what is keeping People from Finding God (Finding Love).


Yes! Very much. But … lol… You have to BELIEVE it to Feel it… But you can’t believe it truly until and unless you have been tested. The Test is the Learning Journey. It’s the Discovery of that Belief. It’s discovering that you have no breaking point. It’s. discovering that even after you have found your breaking point, you will still find a way back to God. The Question is HOW… And that is The Journey.

God is only ever on the other side of that Journey. But if people aren’t willing to go through the Journey to get to him, then they will never find him.


Carl Jung, in the 1800’s declared and proved that “All Religious People are Mentally Ill.” It is a belief that some Psychologists have been operating on in the background — in secret — for more than 100 years.

This last week, I finally brought Carl Jung to the Table to revisit his Conclusion and I re-challenged his Logic.

I believe 100% and completely, that Carl Jung was Wrong. That there is a Mental Illness that many people have brought into Their Religion with God… But I also believe 100% that the Mental Illness IS NOT at all Religion itself. I believe that Mental Illness comes from HOW the Religion is being taught and it needs to be removed immediately.

HOW the Religion is being taught IS creating Narcissism and Codependency. And this is the Problem. I know — and it is my Professional Deduction — that this Mental Illness IS keeping People from Finding God (Love). I also believe that — once corrected — they will be able to Find God (Love).


I stand from my comfy chair, my tea in hand and I browse the shelf. My fingers lovingly, dragging across the spines of the Books. I know what I’m looking for, but I’m savoring the Books.

“I love you,” I say to them. Each and every Author. My Masters. How their minds were able to reach me from the Past to the Now never ceases to amaze me. When you write a book, you teach forever… and ever and ever…

I often think of who will be reading my books in the Future. How Zarathustra and Plato went on to influence me so strongly, 2,000 Years after their passing. And how I am still their Student. How much it feels like Aristotle is just my Classmate. And Jesus and I just share the same Alma Mater.

I see how they went on to do their Great Things. And I with mine.

I pull “Volume #2” Entitled “Universe B : The Next Universe” off the Shelf and return to my Comfy Chair with my treasure.

Things are about to get REALLY WEIRD around here. And I can’t wait.